SDA Welcomes Fashion Retailer H&M To Australia By Surrendering Wages And Conditions
Massive multinational fashion retailer H&M has been welcomed to Australia in style by the SDA, who are doing their best to make the $21-billion company feel right at home by…

Coles Admits to Underpaying Meat Workers
Coles has finally acknowledged that it will have to cough up on back pay for meat workers. After wasting millions of dollars on lawyers at the Fair Work Commission trying to…

Victory for Workers as Coles’ Unfair Agreement Pronounced Dead
The broken, unfair deal cooked up between the corporate-loving SDA and Coles has officially been killed, with Coles refusing the Fair Work Commission’s request to alter it so that no…

Bad deal gets the boot: Fair Work Commission slams Coles dodgy deal with the SDA
David has beaten Goliath again today, with the Fair Work Commission upholding the Meat Workers Union and young Coles worker Duncan Hart’s claim that Coles and the SDA deal ripped…

Would You Like The Minimum Wage With That?
In keeping with Malcolm’s Turnbull’s desire that we should all stay ‘flexible’ in the new ‘agile’ economy, the SDA seems to be trying out a new ‘innovative’ tactic lately: rather…

SDA shuts down member voting after members vote for someone they don’t like
The ultra-conservative, Liberal-party approved, homophobic SDA union has come under fire again after preventing their own members from voting in the Young Workmate of the Year Award – because their…

National Newsletter to Supermarket Members
Dear Member, In the normal course of events the SDA generally do deals with Coles and Woolworths for new enterprise agreements to cover supermarket workers within those chains, and until…

Coles and SDA work together to take $15,000 from meat worker’s pockets
The Shop and Distributive Allied Employees Association (SDA) is reeling this week after an explosive admission from within that they knew some of the retail workers they claim to ‘represent’ would…