Where is the best processing site to work?

Looking to move to a new work site? Looking for more information? We’ve ranked all the sites in the area so you know what you’ll be getting into.

1. NCMC Casino

Worker-Boss Relations: Very Friendly

Yearly Pay Increases: Above Average

Payment Type: Hourly rate plus incentives

Conditions Of Employment: Very Good

A great farmed-owned co-operative worksite with a strong delegate structure and a highly motivated, organised workforce who aren’t afraid to stand up for what’s right. One of the best beef sites in Australia.

2. Wingham Beef Exports

Worker-Boss Relations: Friendly

Yearly Pay Increases: Above Average

Payment Type: Hourly rate and piece-work arrangements

Conditions Of Employment: Good

A very good worksite with a strong team of workers and a strong delegate structure who successfully took industrial action in 2014 to secure a great new pay agreement.

3. Hunter Valley Quality Meats (JBS Scone)

Worker-Boss Relations: Friendly

Yearly Pay Increases: Above Average

Payment Type: Hourly rate

Conditions Of Employment: Average

A solid performing worksite where management holds regular consultative committee meetings with staff and with the strong delegate structure on-site. Jobs losses in early 2016 hurt the workforce badly, but all union members were protected and kept their jobs.

4. Bindaree Beef

Worker-Boss Relations: Friendly

Yearly Pay Increases: Average

Payment Type: Hourly rate

Conditions Of Employment: Average

Bindaree Beef is one of the last Australian-owned beef processors which never normally has issues with livestock access.

5. Teys Tamworth

Worker-Boss Relations: Hostile

Yearly Pay Increases: Poor

Payment Type: Hourly rate

Conditions Of Employment: Poor

Teys is a strongly anti-union employer who will do whatever it takes to stop workers from organising and bargaining. They have tried extremely hard to stay away from binding multi-year agreements, instead offering 12-month only deals with rock-bottom pay increases at the same time as their company makes record profits and their CEO tries to avoid disclosing his wealth.

6. EC Throsby Singleton

Worker-Boss Relations: Hostile

Yearly Pay Increases: Average

Payment Type: Hourly rate

Conditions Of Employment: Average

This smaller worksite offers slightly less than industry average pay and is run by hostile management who do not want to see staff organising for a better deal.

7. Everson Management Services

Worker-Boss Relations: Very Hostile

Yearly Pay Increases: Determined by award

Payment Type: Hourly rate

Conditions Of Employment: Poor

A very bad site to work at, with extremely hostile management who work hard to keep workers from organising and standing up for pay increases. A worker was killed on site in 2015.

1. NCMC Booyong

Worker-Boss Relations: Very Friendly

Yearly Pay Increases: Above average

Payment Type: Hourly rate

Conditions Of Employment: Good

Much like the NCMC Casino beef site, the Booyong pork operations are farmer-owned co-operative work sites with strong union members who stand up for each other and get great pay and conditions.

1. Thomas Foods International Tamworth

Worker-Boss Relations: Average

Yearly Pay Increases: Average

Payment Type: Hourly rate

Conditions Of Employment: Poor

Thomas Foods are an aggressive and demanding employer, who have adopted the American anti-union business model. They work their employees as hard as possible, and offer poor wages and minimal breaks.

1. Baiada Poultry Beresfield

Worker-Boss Relations: Friendly

Yearly Pay Increases: Above Average

Payment Type: Hourly rate

Conditions Of Employment: Good

The Beresfield Baiada site is a highly organised, forward-thinking poultry plant with a strong union delegate structure. Management consult the workforce on changes to conditions and work closely with their employees to ensure good deals and production levels for everyone. Read more about how the AMIEU worked to clean up Baiada nationwide.

2. Ingham Lisarow

Worker-Boss Relations: Friendly

Yearly Pay Increases: Above Average

Payment Type: Hourly rate

Conditions Of Employment: Good

The only remaining Ingham site in our region after the greedy shut-down of Ingham Cardiff, the Lisarow site is productive and stable.

3. Baiada Poultry Tamworth

Worker-Boss Relations: Average

Yearly Pay Increases: Average

Payment Type: Hourly rate

Conditions Of Employment: Average

The Tamworth Baiada site is much the same as the Beresfield one, but conditions and pay are slightly worse.

1. Norco Lismore

Worker-Boss Relations: Friendly

Yearly Pay Increases: Above Average

Payment Type: Hourly rate

Conditions Of Employment: Very Good

Norco Lismore is an excellent, highly organised work-site with great pay and conditions and a strong delegate structure. Recently Norco signed a great new Lismore EBA which includes paid domestic violence leave for all their workers — a fantastic new deal.

2. Norco Raleigh

Worker-Boss Relations: Very Friendly

Yearly Pay Increases: Above Average

Payment Type: Hourly rate

Conditions Of Employment: Good

Another excellent site with a strong delegate structure, Norco Raleigh’s workers have shown great solidarity recently when negotiating for a strong new EBA.

3. Richmond Dairies

Worker-Boss Relations: Very Friendly

Yearly Pay Increases: Above Average

Payment Type: Hourly rate

Conditions Of Employment: Good

Richmond Dairies has a great new EBA in place and a good, strong relationship between workers and bosses. The workforce is highly organised and works hard to get great outcomes.

1. PFD Distribution

Worker-Boss Relations: Average

Yearly Pay Increases: Average

Payment Type: Hourly rate

Conditions Of Employment: Above Average

PFD Distribution are a stable employer with above average terms and conditions of employment.

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