Greedy Meat Industry Bosses Make Massive Profits From Overseas Workers While Blaming Locals
The CEO of the Australian Meat Industry Council has once again demonstrated how out of touch these wealthy industry lobby groups are from the real lives of every day Australians….

Donning and doffing work gear should be work time
The New Zealand Meat Workers Union has scored a huge win for its meat workers with a new court ruling on the time it takes to put on (“don”) and…

AMIEU Condemns Federal Labor For Giving In To Big Business Over TPP
The AMIEU Newcastle & Northern NSW Branch condemns Federal Labor’s decision this week to ratify the Trans-Pacific Partnership, torpedoing the efforts of Australia’s union movement to make sure that Australian…

Another Day, Another Live Export Scandal
Shocking footage has emerged of animals being mistreated, made to suffer in horrible, disgusting conditions, and dying by the hundreds as they lie bleeding in their own excrement. The government…

Barnaby Joyce Exposed As Incompetent Hypocrite Who Must Resign
The whole of Australia is now realising what meat workers have been talking about for years – that Barnaby Joyce is out of control. Australian media have spent the last…

A National Disgrace: How Thomas Foods Oversees An Illegal Underground Network Of Bullying, Harassment And Exploitation
The Newcastle & Northern NSW Branch is today releasing the findings of a long-term investigation into the shocking underground black market labour network operating in Tamworth, NSW. The AMIEU believes…

Hypocritical Live Exporters Seek Massive Government Payout After Destroying Australian Jobs
Australia’s live export producers have just launched a law suit seeking an incredible $600 million in damages from the Federal Government. In July of 2011, all live export trade to…

More Money For Live Exporters As Local Kids Go Hungry
The Australian taxpayer is about to take another hit propping up the Australian live export industry, following an announcement by Barnaby Joyce over the weekend that he has allocated $8.3…

Death Of A Thousand Cuts: How Live Export Is Killing Australian Meat Work
Late last week the RSPCA expressed its fear that increasing live exports would not only mean an increase in animal cruelty, but also lead to a cut in local abattoir…

New Government, Same Old Meat Industry Crisis
While Australia collectively sighs at the longest and most lukewarm election in living memory, meat workers and their families around the country are continuing to suffer under a two-pronged attack…