Greedy Meat Industry Bosses Make Massive Profits From Overseas Workers While Blaming Locals
The CEO of the Australian Meat Industry Council has once again demonstrated how out of touch these wealthy industry lobby groups are from the real lives of every day Australians….

AMIEU Condemns Federal Labor For Giving In To Big Business Over TPP
The AMIEU Newcastle & Northern NSW Branch condemns Federal Labor’s decision this week to ratify the Trans-Pacific Partnership, torpedoing the efforts of Australia’s union movement to make sure that Australian…

After Thirty Years Of Scandals, Barnaby Joyce Still Too Much Of A Coward To Ban Live Export
With yet another horrific live export scandal still making news around Australia, the AMIEU is greatly pleased to see more Australian politicians standing up for animal welfare and for local…

$146 Million For Overseas Abattoirs While Australian Workers Bleed Out
Only days after holding a series of press conferences in which he promised to investigate the latest, horrific live export scandal where hundreds of sheep lost their lives, Agriculture Minister…

Another Day, Another Live Export Scandal
Shocking footage has emerged of animals being mistreated, made to suffer in horrible, disgusting conditions, and dying by the hundreds as they lie bleeding in their own excrement. The government…

Meat Workers Union And Tamworth Mayor Agree On Need To Put Local Kids First
The AMIEU and the Tamworth Regional Council Mayor Col Murray met last week to discuss the New England region’s high youth unemployment figures, with both parties agreeing on the urgent…

Baiada Reaches Out To Unemployed Tamworth Youth Following AMIEU Campaign
Tamworth is in the grip of a youth unemployment crisis, with figures showing that teenagers and young adults in the area are unemployed at a rate double the national average….

Thomas Foods Chooses More Visa Workers Over Training Local Kids
Thomas Foods is secretly planning to move more than a hundred 457 visa workers into its Tamworth operation, desperate to do whatever it takes to avoid employing New England locals….

Barnaby Joyce Exposed As Incompetent Hypocrite Who Must Resign
The whole of Australia is now realising what meat workers have been talking about for years – that Barnaby Joyce is out of control. Australian media have spent the last…

Australia’s Corporate Fat Cats Want More Visa Workers, Less Oversight
The Business Council of Australia, an organisation of rich people whose job it is to figure out ways they can become even more rich, has just this week announced another…