OHS web site launched


The new OHS website has been built by Australasian Meat Industry Employees Union Newcastle and Northern Branch (AMIEU) to support Occupational Health & Safety in the Meat Industry.

The development of this website was managed by the Australasian Meat Industry Employees’ Union Newcastle and Northern Branch as part of a project funded under the WorkCover NSW WorkCover Assist Program. Any views expressed are not necessarily those of WorkCover NSW.

The OHS Website provides resources and information relevant to the meat processing industry including: meat retail and smallgoods, poultry processing, dairy manufacturing, ice and cold storage and distribution industries.

Please use the contact forms on the website to request information, propose ideas or give us feedback. Your feedback is valuable as it will assist in assuring that the information provided is easily accessible and relevant to the industry.

There is also a Translation Toolbar and information is accessible in most languages.

The AMIEU has also developed a handbook for Members titled “Safety Tips for Meatworkers”. The handbook will be accessible on the OHS Website. It will be printed in English, Korean, Chinese and Portuguese.

OHS Support Officer, Lucas Hitchin has been visiting workplaces communicating directly with workers, OHS Consultation Committee Members and OHS Representatives at the workplace. He has been actively reviewing OHS Procedures, recommending changes where appropriate to ensure that procedures are easy to understand.

Lucas has been requesting that employers make available Workplace OHS Procedures that are translated into different languages where relevant. This ensures that all workers can fully understand the workplace OHS Procedures to undertake the job in a safe manner.

Please feel free to browse the website and contact us through the contact tools provided on the website. This is YOUR website. Please take advantage of the information provided along with the opportunity to ask for more specific information relating OHS and Injury Management relating to your needs at your workplace.