The AMIEU would like to thank our Ingham’s Lisarow members for sharing their thoughts on the possibility of industrial action at Ingham’s Lisarow.
The Protected Action Ballot allows members to have their say on what they believe the best direction for the negotiations are.
Whether you voted yes or no on industrial action, we thank you for voting and for sharing your views. Your participation is crucial in deciding how to proceed with your agreement.
We respect the decision of the voting members in the ballot. The result of the ballot was that you decided not to pursue industrial action.
If you are a member and did not vote, we encourage you to do so in the future so that you can have a stronger say in the negotiations.
Ingham’s Lisarow workers have now also chosen to reject the company’s improved offer for a second time.
This means we will now return to another round of bargaining with the company.
What are your options?
Ingham’s Lisarow workers now have four paths ahead of them.
1. Continue negotiations
You can continue negotiations with the company.
The company has advised us that they are not available for further negotiations until August.
Because you have chosen not to pursue industrial action, the company may wish to stop negotiating and simply say “this is our final offer”.
2. Accept the deal
You can accept Ingham’s deal. It is likely that the company will ask you to vote on the deal again soon.
At that time, you will need to decide what is best for you.
3. Vote again to take industrial action
If you are still unhappy with Ingham’s offer after further negotiation, you may wish to have another Protected Action Ballot.
If you and your fellow members vote ‘Yes’ in large enough numbers, the AMIEU will have the authority needed to take strikes, go-slows, and other forms of action.
In most cases, companies like Inghams can be convinced to provide a better deal through industrial action.
4. Terminate the agreement
You may instead wish to ask the AMIEU to apply to the Fair Work Commission to terminate the current agreement and return to the Poultry Processing Award.
The wages for the Poultry Award are much lower than the current agreement with Ingham’s but are guaranteed to rise every year.
The union office does NOT recommend this course of action as you will lose a substantial amount of money overall.
Ingham’s also have the right to make an application to terminate the current agreement, claiming that your wages are costing them too much money.
Employers are increasingly going to the Fair Work Commission and asking them to terminate agreements.
YOUR union is guided by YOUR decisions.
Speak to your delegates and your organisers and decide among yourselves what you think the best course of action is.
The union is here to support you and empower you at all times.